Ty & Brooke

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I Ran Away With The Circus....

With a special thanks to Sam's brother Adam, we got to go to the circus with the Baughmans! Neither one of us has been in years, so this was kinda exciting. As we get old, we keep doing these things that take us back to our childhood. Darnit, we are going into adulthood kicking and screaming!

The Greatest Show on Earth! And it was pretty good. No guy shot out of a cannon, but oh well.

Lookie! Overpriced junk that kids will want and throw tantrums to get!!
Brooke with her attachment Kelsen. She crawled over everyone to get a seat with Aunt Brooke!

Awesome ankle controlled segways!

A midget! Yeah!!

Fun, dangling people doing crazy stuff that hurts me just to watch.

The tiger tamer! Not gonna lie, I really wanted a tiger to go just a little off script - but they're all just big kitties!

Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.

Walking a tightrope is far too easy - let's walk a tightrope upwards while balancing a chick on top of our head - but she doesn't need to stand on our head, let's put a ball in between, too.

Big freakin elephants doing tricks!

Crazy trampoline people! I had to giggle a little every time they missed the platform...

The Baughmans enjoying the circus - Kelsen so much that she isn't even paying attention. Dave has a little bit of the crazy eyes going on here...

Obligatory self-shot at the circus!

Epic fail by the trapeze people. And they used a net! They aren't REAL trapeze artists...

Okay, so that was kinda cool. But still, a net? Come on...

How many bikes can you fit inside a metal sphere? Five? Six? No, let's try seven. Nothing bad can happen. Well, it didn't, but imagine practice with the new guy!

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