Ty & Brooke

Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


One afternoon we ventured out to see the Currituck Beach Lighthouse, a humongous brick lighthouse with something like 250 steps to the top. So of course we had to do it. After waiting in line with a rather annoying volunteer in our way (who would NOT let a 2-year old child have a sticker until AFTER she climbed the steps), we finally got to go check out the awesome views up top.

Apparently you can't go up there during a lightning storm. Something about it being a massive electrical conductor? It looked brick to me... brick is safe, right?

Waiting patiently...

Only slightly concerned about the slats up top being about the same size as Kelsen...

Awesome views of the island, ocean, and sound. Best to look out, not down...

And now I'm afraid of heights. Really I'm afraid of the impact when I fall, not the height.

Adding a little bit of cute into the beautiful scenery. Dave's eye not included.

Okay, Dave, we'll let you in a picture, too.

That is a lot of stairs. No sweat. Okay, a lot of sweat.

And little did we know that the drive back would include one very upset child and an amazing set of lungs... but the lighthouse experience was fantastic!

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