So, in case you haven't gathered from the picture above, we have some rather big news. As we approach our 4th anniversary, we are happy to announce we are pregnant! As of today, we are a little over 10 weeks along and still a little shocked that this has finally happened. It's kind of like waiting for a big promotion for years and years, and then you're told you are getting that promotion in a few months - you're excited, but you want to see it to believe it!
This has been an amazing ten weeks, albeit a little stressful. The doctor told us last week that everything looks normal, healthy, and strong so far... which is an answer to two years worth of prayers. We know many of you out there have been praying for us during this time, and some of you who have known our news have been praying even harder these past two months, and for that we are eternally grateful. The Lord has definitely blessed us more than we deserve with this, but yet we continue to ask for his blessings so we may meet this little bundle of joy next February!
So we'll keep this updated with all the latest - although the next few months will be filled with "So, Brooke's getting bigger" until we can find out what it is and stop calling it "it." We're in the market for a nickname for Baby Henson, if anyone has an idea. And if you don't mind, keep us in your prayers that baby and mom stay healthy and strong for the next six and a half months or so.
To God be the glory!!
A nickname is a great idea! I vote for "tater tot" or "niblet". Hahaha!
PS - Congratulations again, this is such amazing news!
We are sooooo happy for you, Brook & Tyler!!! What a wonderful anniversary present! You all are in my prayers always. Love you, Martha Ann
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