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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bin Laden is Dead

I remember the morning the Twin Towers came down. I was in bed when I got a call from Sam telling me to turn on the news, a plane hit the World Trade Center. Then my mom called, so I got up and turned on the TV to see the second building get hit live. It was insane, and I spent the rest of the day watching coverage when I wasn't in class (most of which were cancelled). I sat in the KUC at school for hours with other people in absolute awe. That night, I went to Chili's and sat in the bar area so we could watch more coverage. At that time, President Bush addressed the nation, and I've never heard it so quiet in my life. Even traffic seemed to stop while we listed to the President promise justice for the lives lost. It was an eerie moment, and I'll never forget it.

While watching the movie "Red" the other night, Brooke was on the laptop and saw a Twitter post, saying a major announcement was being made by the President soon. We turned over to Fox News (cause whoever was on CNN was being annoying), and my heart was beating a bit fast. Were we about to be told of an imminent terror attack? Will Morgan Freeman be telling us an asteroid is hurtling toward the planet? Did we finally establish how many licks it takes to reach the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootise Pop? Slowly, information trickled in about what this rare address would be about. Then the social media world exploded with the news of Osama bin Laden's death.

We can debate the feelings one should have about his death. From a victim standpoint, justice was done to the leader of a group responsible for many innocent lives lost. From a Christian view, I am saddened a man had to die who will surely go to Hell. From an American point of view, we won a big battle in the war on terror, but the war will surely go on for as long as I live despite bin Laden's death. Regardless, almost ten years after hearing President Bush tell us justice would be served, I got to hear President Obama tell us that promise was carried out by American soldiers. I am glad to know that the last thing bin Laden saw was an American, the people he cowardly ordered to be murdered while he hid halfway across the world. But I pity him at the same time and the people who believe as him, both Christian and Muslim alike, that violence done in God's name is justified.

The announcement made was one of several I'll always remember clearly, along with many other events that have defined my lifetime: Waco, the Oklahoma City bombing, the death of Princess Diana, 9/11, the Columbia shuttle disaster, and the great floods in Nashville. I just hope and pray to not have many more like those in my remaining years.

It's spelled "Osama" Fox News.... GOSH!

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