Ty & Brooke

Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Where It all Began

Even though our anniversary is still a couple of months aways, I thought I'd share this entertaining story that Tyler wrote a few years ago about how we met. I laugh every time I read this and what's even better is our proposal story....that will be making an appearance on the blog around August. So sit back, get comfortable (it's a long story) and enjoy. This is where is all began......

Our Story....in the words of Tyler Henson

The story of how Tyler and Brooke came to be “The Hensons” is a tale as old as time. One boy, one girl, one night, and Facebook. But what is truly extraordinary is how they got there, without ever meeting before…

Tyler and Brooke had their first official date on January 8th, 2006, having met a week earlier, but we’ll get there. More than five years earlier, both were undergraduates at Middle Tennessee State University. Brooke studied Elementary Education for a while, and then changed over to Nutrition and Food Science. Tyler majored in both Psychology and working multiple jobs, neither of which panned out in the long run. Their majors kept them in separate buildings, but for over three years they wandered MTSU’s campus, unaware of the other’s presence. Tyler graduated in the spring of 2004, Brooke in December, never meeting. Or did they?

In the fall of 2003, Tyler and Brooke both attended an event with Alpha Omega college ministry, a luau. Years after the event, Brooke saw a picture Tyler had on his computer with a familiar background. They realized they were both there that night. Both were helping clean up after the event, and both remember sitting around a group of people playing an annoying game (Big Booty, for those who know what it is) that they did not participate in. Could they have been sitting next to each other? Made eye contact? Exchanged smiles? Probably not, Brooke was with her date (cough cough loser cough)… but still, so close!

Brooke went back to Lexington, TN, after graduation. In the fall of 2005, Brooke began her internship with NHC, a highly competitive program that only takes 6 interns a year. The job took Brooke back to the Middle Tennessee area, and she moved to Nashville with another intern, Megan. It was her roommate that convinced Brooke to get on this thing called “Facebook,” a new social networking site that at the time only people with college email accounts could use. One of her Facebook friends was a guy named Chad, the boyfriend of a girl Brooke had met when she changed her major to Nutrition and Food Science. But we’ll get to that.

While Brooke was working 100 hours a week at her internship, Tyler was working for Ferguson Enterprises following graduation. He had a Psychology degree, but spent his days installing closet shelving on the promise of moving up in the company. As it became apparent that would never happen, and that he hated his job, Tyler quit and reenrolled at MTSU in the Education program in the spring of 2005. It was just a few months after he graduated for the first time, but now he was intent on becoming a high school teacher. Since he was back in school, Tyler went back to work for Customs, the MTSU new student orientation program, a job he held in 2003. His coworkers got him to sign up for this thing called “Facebook,” a new social networking site that at the time only people with college email accounts could use. In the fall of 2005, Tyler befriended a guy named Chad on Facebook, who he had an Education class with. But we’ll get to that.

So by Christmas 2005 Tyler was back in school part-time, working at Chili’s and for Customs, living in an apartment near campus. Brooke was living in Nashville, but back home in Lexington for the holidays, both single, but both not really looking for anything. Brooke was far too busy with her internship to think of anything else; Tyler was far too confused about what to do with his life, as he began to think about working in Higher Education Administration instead of teaching high school. On New Year’s Eve, 2005, Brooke was in Lexington on Facebook, while Tyler was hosting a New Year’s Eve party in Murfreesboro… 150 miles apart, after being 5 feet apart at times a couple of years before. Then Brooke saw this picture on her friend Chad’s Facebook page under his list of friends:

This led Brooke to look at Tyler’s profile on Facebook, which was incredibly funny, smart, and entertaining (Editor’s note: Tyler’s opinion). So Brooke added Tyler as a friend. She had never added someone who she didn’t know, but something, some force, led her to deviate from the norm… Love? Destiny? Fate? God? Sleepiness? Boredom? Desperation? Probably.

Meanwhile, back in the Boro, Tyler checked his Facebook before his party started. He noiced that someone requested to add him as a friend. He was taken aback by the beauty of the woman who had sent the request. “Brooke Yeiser? Do I know a Brooke Yeiser? Did I meet her and forget her? How would I forget someone that hot? She is friends with Chad, did I meet her in class, too? What do I do? Man, I’m hungry.” Tyler’s thoughts raced through his head, the latter having nothing to do with Brooke. After careful consideration, he typed the following note to her as he accepted her request to add him as a friend:

December 31, 2005 at 9:09pm

Hey, I see sent me a friend request, and I hope I'm not just really really dumb and forgot who you are, but do I know you? Not that I'm like complaining if I don't... alright, I'm done talking now... I hope you are having a great New Year's Eve!

For some reason, after forgetting the word “you” in the first sentence and sounding like a moron, Brooke responded to Tyler (Editor’s note: Tyler’s opinion, but pretty much what everyone thinks). What followed was a conversation via Facebook that lasted for 5 days, including one really long conversation over AOL instant messenger (back when it was cool). It was during this fateful AOL moment that Tyler asked Brooke to go to dinner, not knowing she was swamped with work at her internship. She responded, quickly, “No.”

Tyler panicked. He took it too far, she was just being nice, she doesn’t want to go out with some dude she never met! As his heart went into overdrive, Brooke saved him by clarifying she was just too busy, but maybe on the weekend. Tyler figured it was a mercy thing, she was just helping him save some dignity, but lo and behold, she sent him a message later with her PHONE NUMBER and an offer to go out on Sunday. Tyler’s heart when off to the races again, this time out of panic. He was horrible at first dates, having several failed attempts in 2005. But this was 2006, a new year, a fresh start… and a really, really, pretty girl. They settled on Olive Garden. On Saturday, Tyler heard her voice for the first time when he called for directions. On Sunday, he met his future wife.

Now things didn’t exactly start out with a bang when Tyler showed up at her apartment. Brooke had only known Tyler through some messages and his Facebook profile, she didn’t understand his, uh, fashion sense? So with snow on the ground, eight days into January, Tyler picked Brooke up wearing flip-flops. Brooke later admitted this was almost a second date deal-breaker… who in their right mind wears flips-flops in the winter, with SNOW ON THE GROUND??? But Tyler’s charm was apparently overwhelming (cough cough yeah right cough), as they sat at Olive Garden for two hours talking, despite the repeated attempts by the waitress AND management to get them to leave. Their conversation went on as they drove around town and sat in his truck in her parking lot. When Brooke finally left the truck that night, Tyler called his best friend Jesse and said, “Dude, I think I met the girl I want to marry.” Ironically, Jesse had just done the same.
The next few weeks flew by, as Tyler and Brooke went out every weekend, then twice a weekend, then every weekend night, then during the week as well… it was getting rather serious, rather fast. But there was no doubt, no trouble, no friends pulling them aside asking, “Seriously, this person?” Over Easter break, just a short 3 months after meeting, Tyler asked Brooke’s dad for her hand in marriage. He bought a ring. He knew she was the One. And then one day in May, he proposed. But that, my friends, is a whole other story….

So here it is, at the time this was written five years later. Five years ago Tyler and Brooke’s lives were changed forever by a single night and a seemingly minor decision to find a new friend. But that isn’t the whole story, not by a long shot. Who knows what minor decisions you make today will lead to the best things in your life? Keep that in mind as you order lunch, bump into someone on campus, or decide to wear flip-flops on a 30-degree day in January… you never know what will happen!

Coming Soon....The Proposal Story!

Roller Coaster of Emotions

If you have ever dealt with infertility, I'm fairly certain you would agree that it can be one big roller coaster ride of emotions. For the past two years, I feel like I've been living my life in two week increments.

Some of you have asked how things have been going with us on the whole baby issue. Well, we still aren't pregnant, but we do still have hope. It continues to amaze me how some people just get pregnant, no problem, no big deal. I'm not going to lie, I'm rather envious. However, I do know that Tyler and I have learned during this journey that God is definitely in control of this situation no matter how difficult it is...and yes I have to remind myself of this daily. Anyway, I've seen on other blogs where people have posted their fertility journey down the side of their page. Well, instead of doing that, I'm just posting it in this blog. So, here we go, welcome to the life of the Hensons for the past few years........

August 4th 2007- Got Hitched
September 2007-2009- enjoying the newlywed life, working, going to weddings and traveling
March 2009- thought it would be a good time to start a family
April 2009- went to Dr to have a check up. Tests good, blood work good, I'm in tip-top shape
May 2009- I turn 29....I feel the clock ticking
May-December 2009- lots and lots of disappointments and tears
March 2010- 1 year trying
April 2010-I have HSG test to make sure I didn't have blocked tubes. Got the all clear everything looks good on that test.
April 2010-Tyler has tests done to make sure it's not male infertility. All tests good there too!
May 2010-start 100mg Clomid round 1 and I turn 30....the clock is definitely ticking!!
June 2010-round 2 Clomid
July 2010-round 3 Clomid
August 2010-Make an appointment with fertility clinic
August 2010-Have an ultrasound done and find out I have a severe case of endometriosis.
September 2010-I have surgery to remove the endometriosis along with a cyst on my ovary along with a polyp in my uterus.....I don't sound in such tip-top shape now, huh??
November 14 2010-I'm Pregnant
December 3 2010-Miscarriage
March 2011- 2 years trying. And back to the fertility clinic
April 2011- round 1 of IUI treatment
May 2011- round 2 of IUI treatment and I turn 31....yeah, I gave up on beating the clock...
June 2011-more than likely round 3 (and last) IUI treatment

So, would you agree it's been a roller coaster ride? With all that said, I know there are others out there that have tried for a lot longer than two years. I know others that have undergone more procedures than I have. This is just a glimpse into what we've been experiencing. As I said earlier we still have hope. We know others that have gone through some of these same things and now have a beautiful miracle of their own. Faith makes things possible, not easy.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

I Call This Home

So just like last year, the beginning of May brought several things: lots of rain, a cold snap, Mother's Day, and Brooke's birthday. We took a trip over to Lexington to celebrate the last two things, and luckily the first two didn't follow us. We had some gorgeous weather to enjoy there. And Brooke was showered with presents and adoration, so she had a fantastic time!

That is a pretty awesome view, huh?

Some of the storm damage. They had several big trees get knocked down. Can you say free firewood?

The craters were bigger than Brooke! I'd say those winds were fairly strong.

Sneak picture of Brooke!

We couldn't fit 31 candles on the cake and still have icing.

Gotta always get this shot! The happy birthday girl!

She got her wish! Wonder what it was for? Hmmm...

Brooke's favorite part: presents!

Katie came over to see what all the fuss was about and why all the fuss wasn't centered on her.


I thought this was waist up, ignore the leg sticking out.

This tradition still weirds me out - Mother's Day is spent in graveyards looking at flowers. Here we enjoy the flowers for Brooke's maternal grandparents.

Sandra, her brother Jimmy, and his wife Sue.

This guy lived over 80 years in the 1800's - that's pretty good for back then!

Brooke's great-grandma? I think? I lose track after the third cemetery.

This dude was born before 1800! Crazy!!

Should I be concerned that my wife enjoys graveyards so much?

I don't remember why this was interesting.

Aww, brother and sister playing nice. And they match!! I think they planned their wardrobes for Mother's Day!

Bin Laden is Dead

I remember the morning the Twin Towers came down. I was in bed when I got a call from Sam telling me to turn on the news, a plane hit the World Trade Center. Then my mom called, so I got up and turned on the TV to see the second building get hit live. It was insane, and I spent the rest of the day watching coverage when I wasn't in class (most of which were cancelled). I sat in the KUC at school for hours with other people in absolute awe. That night, I went to Chili's and sat in the bar area so we could watch more coverage. At that time, President Bush addressed the nation, and I've never heard it so quiet in my life. Even traffic seemed to stop while we listed to the President promise justice for the lives lost. It was an eerie moment, and I'll never forget it.

While watching the movie "Red" the other night, Brooke was on the laptop and saw a Twitter post, saying a major announcement was being made by the President soon. We turned over to Fox News (cause whoever was on CNN was being annoying), and my heart was beating a bit fast. Were we about to be told of an imminent terror attack? Will Morgan Freeman be telling us an asteroid is hurtling toward the planet? Did we finally establish how many licks it takes to reach the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootise Pop? Slowly, information trickled in about what this rare address would be about. Then the social media world exploded with the news of Osama bin Laden's death.

We can debate the feelings one should have about his death. From a victim standpoint, justice was done to the leader of a group responsible for many innocent lives lost. From a Christian view, I am saddened a man had to die who will surely go to Hell. From an American point of view, we won a big battle in the war on terror, but the war will surely go on for as long as I live despite bin Laden's death. Regardless, almost ten years after hearing President Bush tell us justice would be served, I got to hear President Obama tell us that promise was carried out by American soldiers. I am glad to know that the last thing bin Laden saw was an American, the people he cowardly ordered to be murdered while he hid halfway across the world. But I pity him at the same time and the people who believe as him, both Christian and Muslim alike, that violence done in God's name is justified.

The announcement made was one of several I'll always remember clearly, along with many other events that have defined my lifetime: Waco, the Oklahoma City bombing, the death of Princess Diana, 9/11, the Columbia shuttle disaster, and the great floods in Nashville. I just hope and pray to not have many more like those in my remaining years.

It's spelled "Osama" Fox News.... GOSH!

Picnic In the Park

What to do on a nice day, what to do... ah, picnic, of course! We took advantage of a break from the rain to have a really nice picnic out at Henry Horton State Park. It was nice, sunny, dryish, and delicious.

No, Haley is not part of the dinner selections.

Dave's a jerk. I mean he's eating jerky. Yeah, that's what I meant!

Kelsen very much enjoyed twisting off the top of my water bottle, drinking my water, replacing the lid, and repeating the process. So much money can be saved on toys for kids! A water bottle keeps her entertained for like half an hour!

We had quite the spread, I must say. Thank you, Publix, for your premade goodness!

Now the water bottle is entertaining BOTH kids!! Seriously, I got it for free!

Dave an I enjoyed a fun game of keep away with Kelsen and a frisbee.

Meanwhile, Haley was being lazy on the blanket. She didn't fetch the frisbee once for us. Seriously, kid, contribute!

Check out them ups! I know it looks like I'm only two inches off the ground, but the camera is deceiving. I'm easily three or four inches off the ground. Kobe!

Showing off my fine frisbee form. Or not.

Nice day? Check. Open field? Check. Kite? Check. Wind? Wind? Wind? Oh.....

The tiny daredevil, before I started spinning her around in the swing. She is rather fearless.

This picture cracks me up for some reason.

Very cute picture of these two... Look, Sam, you made the blog!

Henson Easter

This Easter we decided to stay home and HOST afternoon lunch. It really was an excuse to use our nice dishes from the wedding, but a good excuse at that! We started the day off by getting fancied up for church...

One blurry picture later we went to our crowded Easter service, then came back to get the "dining room" set up...

Luckily I married a woman who knows how to do stuff like that. And lucky for her, she married a guy who likes to cook...

Anyone who knows me for real knows I take my potatoes seriously. Especially mashed potatoes. This is me cutting up five pounds of potatoes for just six people. I

The table is set with all of my favorite things: carbs.

We were gracious hosts and let everyone else get first crack at the food. Although there may have been one or two deviled eggs already missing. I know nothing.

My wife's awesome cupcakes!

And her even MORE awesome strawberry cake! How I've managed to not gain ten pounds this month, I'll never know...

And what home-cooked meal is complete without the personalized apron? Easter dinner = success!

Easter Egg Party!

At Tyler's request, this Easter we introduced dyeing Easter Eggs at the Henson household! But of course what fun is doing that alone, so we invited the Baughmans to come make a mess with us! So with lots of vinegar, eggs, and dye, we went to work....

Kelsen is intrigued by the colors, yet hesitant of what we are about to do... she watches from a distance...

This is me explaining to Brooke that you can write clever sayings on the side of the egg using the special wax crayon in the kit. I'm glad Kelsen can't read yet, otherwise I may have gotten in trouble for what I wrote on a particular egg.

Kelsen enjoyed the dunking of eggs. She cheered for herself every time she dropped one in with a cute little "I did it!"

A reminder to Dave who leads. Unfortunately, that score is about to change in his favor...

Daddy Dave takes his turn dunking eggs.

Despite Haley's bald head, I was told I could not dunk her in as well.

Lots of eggs to find in the morning, and lots of eggs to eat this week!

Kelsen's unique approach to cupcake eating - shove it in your mouth icing first for optimal mess.

Kelsen is either trying to whistle here or get every drop of icing off her fingers. Not sure. But I do know that I enjoyed being a little kid again for an afternoon... you're never too old to dye eggs on Easter!!!