Ty & Brooke

Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Stop numero dos was in Cozumel, Mexico (one of the parts not being torn apart by a nasty drug war). We didn't do anything strenuous, no excursions, just enjoyed the ninety degree weather while Tennessee hit around forty that day. Yes, I'm rubbing that in. We took a short stroll into "real" Mexico, and after telling forty-eight street vendors we did not want an island tour or a handbag, we went back to the port and bought stuff safely there from the more English speaking shop owners.

Hanging out at Fat Tuesday by the water - nothing happened!

Our ship is on the left. It's bigger. No big deal, but take that, Elation!

Greg and Christina drinking big tubes of, er, lemonade!

Balloon hat? Yes, please!

Mom showing off how good she looks in hats.

Mom and Dad enjoying all that Cozumel has to offer.

Greg showing off his mad pole dancing skillz. He was surprisingly agile.
Mom and daughter-in-law soaking up the rays and lemonade at Fat Tuesday!

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