Ty & Brooke

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Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas with the Hensons

Ho ho ho... another Christmas come and gone for the Hensons! This year we celebrated Christmas four times, once on the 21st with my family, and three times on Christmas Day with Brooke's bunch. This was a new year for the Henson clan, with an equal number of guys and girls present thanks to Christina. I predictably got movies, and Brooke got lots of books that she is already halfway through. And of course, we ended the day with the traditional viewing of "While You Were Sleeping," while Dad struggled to stay awake. Ah, the holidays!

Christmas Day's Yeiser/Thompson marathon was full of fun, family, and calories, as usual. After a hearty breakfast at the Yeiser house, we moved on for a lunch at Granny's before dinner at the Thompson's. Lots of presents were exchanged, and the most ironic gift I received was at the Thompson Dirty Santa exchange, when I received an electric razor. Combined with the beard trimmer Granny gave me, I have no excuse to look like a terrorist or homeless anymore. Brooke cleaned up as usual in the gift department, but I'd like to think those diamond earrings some awesome husband got her are her favorite. I'd take a picture of my gift to show off, but since it is a camera that gets tricky.

And my favorite part of the weekend can be summed up in this last picture. Brooke was very happy to be able to spend 4 days at home, which she hasn't done since the week before the wedding. I like going home with her (and where else can you get breakfast cooked for you 3 morning in a row?), but here is something you'll probably never see at the Henson Christmas:

And that's because our family prefers shotguns after Thanksgiving dinner.
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

That last picture is very scary!