Ty & Brooke

Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Delurking Day

Okay, so I'm just finding this out, but apparently there is a day called Delurking Day which was on January 14th this year.....so I'm obviously a little behind on this. What is Delurking Day you ask? Well, it's the day where people who normally don’t (or even who normally do) comment, come out of the woodwork to say hello, to say that they’re reading and to share their websites if they have one. I can tell by our blog roll on the side we have several people that pop in all over the country (and world actually) that read what is going on with us, but most of the time we do not know who you are. We would love to know who all we keep entertained and who enjoys our blog out there. So, if you would, just leave us a brief comment about how you know us (or even if you don't know us) and your blog site, if you have one, so we can follow you. Don't forget to put your name with your comment because if you don't have a blogging account it will list you as anonymous....and that kinda defeats the purpose. So, Happy (belated) Delurking Day!!! Can't wait to hear from you all!!

Becky's Surprise!!

Tis that time of year, when yet another friend turns 30!! This time it is Becky's turn, and her sweetie of a boyfriend (that would be Brian) went to a lot of trouble to throw a suprise party for her. So far we've had some successful parties (Brian, Tyler), some not so much (Brooke, thanks flood!). This one was an actual surprise though, as Brian managed to lie and sneak enough to get her! We had a fun little evening in the Franklin bowling alley, with an amazing cake to help, and of course got to enjoy a look of massive surprise from the guest of honor... She is really confused, not sure why she hears a bowling alley.....
And it all becomes very clear now!

Becky is surprised by her friends and that Brian managed to get this by her!


Kelsen is trying to decide between the hamburger and chicken tenders.

Kelsen with her favorite aunt Bwooke!

Happy little Baughman family! And a good mood Haley!

So many things scary about this picture.... Haley is desperately trying to escape...

It took mom a while to realize I WANTED her in the picture...

Sam's awesome cake... looks like a guitar, tastes like a slice of heaven....

There are bumper stickers on there from each state Becky has lived in.

The cake! The cake! The cake is on FIRE!

Insert "Becky is full of hot air" jokes [here].

Becky, eighteen breaths later, finally hit all the candles.

Kelsen decided she wants to beowl, and tried to use the balls that were twice her wright.

So I helped, and she did better than me...


Kelsen just wants me to throw it, stop explaining everything!

Yaaay! Gutterball!!!!!!

Ah, good times with good friends. Glad me and this big fella have known each other for a DECADE now! Excited about another decade ahead, and for our first 10K coming up in a few weeks. And one more time, happy birthday Bexster!!!!

Painting Part Two

My mom came to visit this weekend and I thought it would be fun to take her over to Painting With a Twist. Back in the day she was a very good artist and I love looking back at some of her paintings and drawings. She hasn't done either in quite a long time, so I thought it would be fun for her to revisit her creative side. Here is what the picture is suppose to look like. The title of this painting is Tiffany's.

We're getting there slowly, but surely. This was actually a 3 hour class instead of the usual 2 hour class. Believe me, I needed the entire 3 hours to finish this one. I had fun, but it was kind of stressful for me and my perfectionist side.
Mom putting on the finishing touches of her painting.
This is my I had fun, but I'm exhausted and need another glass of wine look....

Our class hard at work getting everything finished up.
And our finished products....This pic was taken the next day before church when we realized we didn't get a group picture together the night before. So glad mom was able to come up for a visit to have a fun girls weekend. I'm already planning our next adventure together....mom get ready, I'm thinking ziplining......

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Zipline Take Two!

Since Brooke wasn't able to participate in the first ziplining adventure, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to let her enjoy the thrill! Big thanks to the Groupon that let us get tickets for half off, too. If you haven't been on a zipline tour thing, you gotta try this. Of course, I've been before, so my group decided we had to go first. I love my wife, she jumped right into it, no fear. And we got some great video below!

Our helmets make us look oh so fashionable.

I see this picture, and without knowing Brooke was about to go on a zipline it looks like she is just really clumsy and we are trying to protect her.

The harness inappropriately accentuates... um... stuff.

Brooke on her first zipline! Like a pro...

It took her a while, but she finally managed to figure out the complicated machinery.

She survived the first one! Just nine more to go....

My better side. You are not made to look good when you wear all that stuff.

Their crazy tree house contraption to get up the thirty feet to where you jump off. AWESOME!

Look at that quality landing! It's like she has been doing this for years....

I tried to video my own ride, and apparently it is hard to come in backwards while using just one hand while videotaping... the results is this.

Our slightly nerdy, rather socially inept tour guide is in the middle. We really wanted the Australian guy with the group in front of us. He had, what do you call it... oh, a personality!

Happy to spend the day outside in some beautiful weather together - you can't put a price on that. But spending half price makes it EVEN BETTER!!!!!

So this video may make you sick... but, it is a pretty accurate depiction of what it is like... the end of this video is why my back waas so dirty...

The ever popular dual line - makes for a great in air video of Brooke! I love this shot!

My turn!

Brooke - the daredevil.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sophia Madelyn Brown

We'd like to say congratulations to Justin and Katie, as they welcomed a brand new baby girl into the world this week! Little (and I do mean little) Sophia Brown was born on Wednesday, March 9th, at 5 lbs 15 ounces! She was an anxious one, arriving a couple of days early so she could meet everyone. We were lucky enough to get to see her that night along with the Baughmans and Willtzakians... and the Grigs, of course... and she was just TOO CUTE!

Look at that tiny little face!

Becky is contemplating stealing Sophie from me right now.... she has that devious look on.

Haley came up to see the new baby, too. It was quite amusing putting the two of them side by side. Haley finally got to be the giant after months of Kelsen towering over her!

Sam is marveling at holding a baby NOT born over nine pounds!


I'm gonna flex and bust out!!

So happy for the Brown family... she is absolutely beautiful! And y'all are gonna make great parents for her!