Ty & Brooke

Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pizza Party

So to celebrate a large sum of Papa Murphy gift certificates won, the Hensons, Baughmans, Robinsons, and Browns got together to have a little pizza potluck. We all brought a Papa Murphy (and one Sir Pizza) and a bunch of little kids... the pizza provided something to eat, the kids provided entertainment.

Can I take a serious picture? No.... no....

Amanda and Matthew - he finally warmed up to all these people invading his house.


Our awesome array of pizza to choose from!

Matthew and Kelsen having a little dinner date.

Beau looks good in that Stetson!

Like father, like daughter... she loved that remote controlled car!

Brooke getting to hold Haley... and she was NOT peed on like some of us were that night!! But overall we had a great time and gained ample amount of weight!

Last Tailgate of 2010

Not a bad way to end tailgating season 2010... seventy degrees and sunny, nice breeze, Mexican food, friends, and family.... and Nerf guns. With a crock pot of taco soup, some taquitos, an enchilada casserole, and cookies to snack on, we sent the home football season out in style (yeah, there's another game Thanksgiving weekend - we'll ignore that). It's sad, with so many weekday games we barely got to have our Saturday tailgates, but we made the most of what we had.

Obligatory self-shot!

Mom getting in some baby time with Haley... I don't think Mom wants to let her go...

Dad and his best offensive cornhole weapon - Becca knocking his shots in!

Daddy and Kelsen fetching our Nerf missle.

Mommy and Haley hanging out - already a month old??? Good grief!!

Greg using Kona as a shield.

Finally got to hold her myself!!

And then Brooke stole her back...

Combined weight loss = 180 pounds!

Someone is up to something no good...

Now she is REALLY up to no good.

The Baughman family with everyone who can move their head towards the camera actually looking!
And the Henson family! Next family picture - hopefully on the cruise!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Game Night

This year instead of having our big Halloween Party like last year, we decided to downsize and only have a few friends over. So we called up the Baughman's and the Brown's and decided to have some Taco soup, Halloween cupcakes and game night. We had such a great time and maybe game night will become a once a month tradition.

Our personalize Halloween cupcakes.

The kid looks cute even in glasses 10 sizes too big

Starting our game of Apples to Apples. By the end of the night Dave was anything but amused with this game.

Haley was such a good baby, but slept through all the fun.
However, big sister Kelsen didn't miss a beat of the fun. And this was Dave by the end of the night. Take a guess at which finger he's holding up behind those cards. I think deep down though he had a lot of fun.

Pumpkin Carving

Since we moved into our house, we have started the annual tradition of pumpkin carving. We waited a little later than usual this year, so the Wednesday before Halloween we loaded up and head over to Publix to pick out our pumpkins....who needs a pumpkin patch when you have Publix just right up the road?

Tyler getting ready to do his job of cutting the tops off
Yummy! Pumpkin insides...

Tyler and I have very different ways of cleaning out the pumpkins. I was taught you reach in with your hands a scrape. Tyler, on the other hand, uses a large spoon so he doesn't get his hand dirty while I'm over there with pumpkin guts up to my elbows....Our children will learn to do it my way, it's just more fun to get a little dirty.

Tyler concentrating on drawing the perfect face

The front of our house all ready for trick or treaters. Too bad we had all of two...

Close up view of the finished product. We have one happy and one scary pumpkin.

And the clean up begins. However, it was another fun successful year of pumpkin carving with the Hensons.

Laughter, The Best Medicine

Alright, so if you actually read and keep up with this blog, then you already know it's no secret that Tyler and I have had fertility issues. Today I came across a blog that had these posted and I found it quite humorous. If you've never had fertility problems, you may not find these as funny, but after experiencing month after month of heartbreak, you have to find laughter any way you can. After all, laughter is the best medicine, right?

Ways To Drive an Infertile Woman Crazy....
1. Tell us how you got pregnant on your first try and then complain about your pregnancy
2. Ask us to take weekly photos of your pregnancy belly and then ask us to post them on
Facebook FOR you.
3. Playfully hide all of our time-sensitive fertility medication.
4. Tell us that our fertility clinic telephoned but you can’t remember the message.
5. Tell us a story about someone you know who adopted and then suddenly got pregnant.
6. Tell us to relax and stop trying so it will just happen.
7. Use the acronym ‘BFN’ when referring to your cousin Billy F. Newman.
8. Complain about your children, daily.
9. Ask us to pick up some diapers and baby products for you.
10. Wait until the first day of our period and then ask us to help plan your baby shower.
11. Tell us that you accidentally spilled our fertility medication into the toilet.
12. Remind us of how old we are and still do not have children.
13. Ask us if we’re pregnant yet.

You Know You're Infertile When.....
1. Everyone at the fertility clinic knows your name including the nurses and
secretary. It’s like an episode of Cheers, just without the bar and unlimited
2.You accidentally said the word “ovulate” during a work meeting.
3.You get even more excited over positive ovulation tests because you actually get to see two
pink lines.
4.You’ve rubbed your baby nephew or niece’s head for good luck and whispered in
their ear “I want a baby too.”
5.You’ve had an emotional breakdown at least 4 times this week.
6.You’ve said positive affirmations to your uterus before going to bed… “I will get
pregnant.” “My body is ready for pregnancy.”
7.You’ve asked Doctor Google “Is having a cold and cough a pregnancy symptom?”
8.You’ve held a pregnancy test up to a bathroom light to try to see a second line.