So for all those still in the pool, I have not screwed up yet. Brooke and I are still married, we are now homeowners, and things are fantastic. But let's do a little recap of what has happened over the past year and some since the wedding day, shall we?
August 4, 2007: I've been told I got married. Still a blur to me.
August 5, 2007: We went to Disney World! Yes, the newlyweds decided what better way to celebrate love than by fighting little kids and foreigners at the most magical place on Earth! The average temperature was about 99 degrees, the average wait time was an hour, but the trip was far above average. We had a blast (especially with the Universal Express Pass) and got the marriage started off right, by gaining ten pounds and spending all our money. Figured it would happen anyway.
August 12, 2007: Returned from honeymoon. Had to go back to work. Reality hit. Decided we should just move to Disney World and become tour guides.
Fall 2007: I continued with my schooling while Brooke brought home the bacon. And money. We lived at Harper's Point Apartments, and lived to tell about it. They were... nice... but I am happy not being there now. While Brooke continued to work for NHC, I worked for MTSU as the New Student and Family Programs Graduate Assistant. While it qualified as the best job in the world and paid for my tuition, it didn't cover all costs, so I had to get something extra. Lucky for me, that job ended up being as a janitor. Yes, I cleaned toilets at my parents church, and it was just as much fun as it sounds! But it helped pay the bills, and we slowly got adjusted to being married and having a permanent roomate.
January 2008: Just a few months removed from our honeymoon, the last thing Brooke and I needed was another vacation, right? Nope, off to the Bahamas!! Armed with our good friends Wendi and Alan, we took off for a cruise to Nassau, Coco Cay, and Key West. It was my first cruise and Brooke's second, and it was absolutely fabulous. The ports were interesting, Key West my personal favorite, and Brooke found out just how fun slot machines can really be. So did our credit card! I definitely urge everyone to try a cruise out sometime, well worth every second. Check out the pictures on the main page when I get them put up. Brooke and I are currently planning on moving down to Key West to give ghost tours full-time (in lieu if moving to Disney World).
May 3, 2008: After many, many years of school, and many, many papers, I finally graduated with my Masters in Higher Education Adminstration. Brooke promptly asked if that meant she could be a stay at home mom. Two components were missing that would have allowed that though: one, I only had the degree, not the job, and two, well, kids. And I only planned on getting one of those things soon.
May 15, 2008: We bought a house! Well, we picked a lot and a design out, and the Ole South people took some of our money and started building the house, to be picky. But we started down that mortgage road just a few days after Brooke's 2%th birthday (the numbers have been withheld to protect the near thirty). Of course, I didn't have a job yet, so that was a little scary.
August, 2008: This was a busy month. My position at MTSU ended with July, our anniversary hit, we closed on our house, and I got a job. Whew. I started back at MTSU mid-month in the Academic Support Center as an Advisor. I tell freshmen what classes to take and teach a University Seminar class. Quite exciting. Two days before i started, we got the keys to our new house. We stayed there that first night on an air mattress and haven't looked back. We LOVE it, and pictures will be up soon on the mainpage. I encourage everyone to come by and see it. Well, preferably when we are there.
Today: Well, our house is looking like a home, Brooke is still slaving away for NHC, and I am enjoying my job at MTSU. The Titans are 10-1, MTSU just blew out a team by 40 points on Saturday, and UT fired its coach, so I am 3-for-3 this fall (Brooke is just 2-of-3). Life is good, the holidays are here, and we have a new sister-in-law! For more details about Greg and his wife Christina, I'll try to get one of them to write their story. It is awesome. The reception is Friday! Brooke and I are still enjoying married life, and we are going on another cruise this March to Mexico! We already bought passports, you have to get some use out of them, right? Even if mine does make me look like a terrorist.
So that is where we are now, with a lifetime of blogs left to come!